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Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy is an evidence-based, whole-body approach to nutrition and lifestyle medicine. It addresses potential underlying causes of ill health while alleviating symptoms. The focus is always on the uniqueness of the individual.

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Live and Dried Blood Analysis

Blood is analysed using a microscope to assess, in real time, the size, shape, ratios and movement of your red blood cells, your white blood cells, your platelets and your plasma. This give vital clues towards nutritional imbalances and deficiencies, certain biochemical imbalances, immune system imbalances, micro-organism infections and organ/system dysfunctions.

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Wellbeing Life Coaching

Wellbeing coaching is a powerful tool to explore areas of life that contribute to dis-ease or block your efforts to break destructive patterns of behaviour. It is the process of helping someone find the path between where they are now and where they want to be.

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Nutritional Therapist

Emma is a registered Nutritional Therapist, an accredited  Wellbeing Coach and a Live and Dried Blood Analysis Practitioner. She is trained in Functional Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine and Nutrigenomics. She works to identify and address root causes of her clients’ health concerns, using a combination of Live and Dried Blood Analysis, Functional Lab Tests and Wellbeing Life Coaching.

Additional Services

Nutrigenomics tests

DNA testing gives insight into which genes are affected by diet and lifestyle to reduce symptoms and risks of inherited health issues.

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functional lab tests

The most up to date scientific technology is used to determine underlying causes of health problems.

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Metabolic Balance

Metabolic Balance is a unique nutritional programme originally intended to support hormonal balance but was found to be very successful with weight loss.

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HeartMath Breathing

HeartMath uses self-regulating techniques and technology to help build resilience and strengthen our ability to prepare for stress and our capacity to recover from it.

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Learn More About Health


What is detoxification?

Detoxification, according to Functional Medicine, describes the body’s physiologic process of rendering chemicals, compounds, hormones, and toxicants less harmful. This…


  Detoxification is not just about removing toxins and harmful foods from our diet, it also includes our the environment…
Woman falls asleep while working and slumps over laptop with her hand on the keyboard.

Tired but Wired?

Have you ever felt tired but wired? Exhausted, but your mind just won’t switch off? This is a question I…

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